Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Liebster Award!

Thank you to Military Wife Life for nominating me for a Liebster Award!  I've been blogging on my personal page for about a month now and in that month, I've also been following and learning about other amazing milspouse bloggers!  My whole goal with this blogging gig is to network and share my experiences with the community.

As I was exploring the milspouse blogging community, I spotted Carrie's blog, Military Wife Life.  I thought it was awesome, so I started following her!  Little did I know that she took notice to my blog too!  Thanks so much Carrie!

This is the first I've heard about the Liebster Award "program," but this is a fabulous way to network and learn about other pertinent blogs!  I'm already being exposed to other fantastic spouses and I can't wait to get to know everybody else better!

If I "accept" the Liebster Award, I must answer 11 questions that were created by my nominator - and list 11 facts about myself.  With that said, I'll give you the questions that were given to my by Military Wife Life and my answers....

1.What is your favorite quote?
“Love all, trust few, do wrong to no one.”

2. What was the last song you listened to?
"Without You" by David Guetta - I listen to my iPhone in the mornings during my commute to work.  I tend to stick with upbeat tunes to wake me up!

3. What was your FIRST blog post about?
My very first one ever was just a welcome page.  I really started blogging on my second post and it was about why I started my blog.  I mostly talked about how I'm balancing my career and my soldier at the same time.

4. What is your favorite blog post that's on your site?
Hmm, I guess I would say the one I talk about ten reasons why I love my husband.  My husband reads my blog and after he read that, he said that it made him happy.  It's nice to hear that what I do on my blog gets appreciated by my husband too.

5. How did you come up with your blog's name?
I've been working on my PR career for a long while now and I know that it becomes a challenge to juggle a career and be a milspouse.  Before I met my husband, I spent already 4 years developing my skills in my job and another one when we were dating.  As soon as I officially became a spouse, I thought it would good to document my journey, especially to encourage others that are going through the same transition.

6. What inspires you?
Everything.  I know that's a bit broad, but I find a little inspiration in everything that comes my way.  In general, I would say my parents have helped a lot with providing a lot of inspiration as I was growing up - and even now.  They have been great role models and I just hope that my husband and I are as successful as they are in their marriage and as parents!

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I have no idea - location wise, but that's an occupational hazard as a milspouse.  Otherwise, I hope that I'm still doing my thing in the PR world and sharing my story with the community still!  Maybe have a family started too...who knows!

8. Describe yourself in three words.
Quirky, ambitious and upbeat!

9. What is your hometown, and what was it like?
Austin, Texas: it's a pretty amazing place.  There are a lot of great people there with lots of tasty food and exciting places to go!  I miss it everyday.  I like to encourage people to visit because there is something for everybody there!  It's the capital of the great state of Texas!

10. What is your dream job?
I'm livin' the dream!  I'm working in public relations for a fabulous firm in NYC.  I just hope I can continue what I'm doing and livin' the dream!!

11. How long have you been blogging?
I've been blogging on The Professional Army Wife for about a month only!  I had another personal blog called Pinstripes and Lipgloss, which I've been blogging on that for years!  It was mostly random thoughts and talk of the Yankees (I'm a HUGE fan).  Other than my personal blogs, I've been writing on "Loving a Soldier," the official blog of the Army Wife Network for two months.  I also write articles for!

Here are my 11 facts about myself:

1. I'm half Filipino - the other half...white.
2. My favorite color is green.
3. When I was growing up, I wanted to be a fighter pilot, but then my dad said I could never be one because I have bad eyesight.  At the age of 9, I had to reevaluate my career path....
4. I love spicy food!
5. I was an orchestra dork and played the violin in middle and high school.
6. My bad habit is biting my nails.  I catch myself do it all the time!
7. I've been wearing glasses since I was 6 years old and contacts since I was 13.
8. I love singing karaoke.  My mom and I can spend hours singing and it also helps that my mom has her own karaoke system.
9. I blame my dad and his father before him for making me a huge Yankee fan.  I call it a curse, but I love watching Yankee classics with my dad and talking shop.
10. I'm a Harry Potter nerd.  Now that all the books and movies are out, I don't know what to do with myself.
11.  I love to dance!

Thanks again to Carrie at Military Wife Life!  To keep things going, here are my nominations!

1. A Long Distance Love
2. Army Wife & Company
3. I'll follow you anywhere...
4. My Beautiful, Crazy, Amazing Life
5. Tiny Texan
6. All Things Beer My best friend's blog!
7. The New Normal
8. Sweet Pea Pod
9. My Perfect Fairytale 
10. All Things Life
11. Carry Your Heart With Me

Now here are my questions for my nominees!

1. What is your favorite restaurant and why?
2. Where is your favorite place to unwind from a busy day?
3. When you were 10, what did you want to be when you grew up?
4. What advice would you give your 10 year-old self knowing what you do now?
5. What's the best advice someone else have given you?
6. How did you meet your significant other?
7. What are you currently looking forward to?
8. What's your favorite song?
9. If you can go on vacation now, where would you go?
10. What's a secret skill that you have?
11. Who has been the biggest influence in your life?

Thanks so much to all my nominees!  I find your blogs interesting and informative!  I'm having a good time getting to know you all!

Here are the rules 
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award Presenter on your blog and link back to their blog
2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.
3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they've been chosen.
4. Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog.

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