Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Current MilSpouse Frustration

It’s almost March, so my husband has been in country for nearly two months – and finance has YET to get our BAH correct.  So far, we’ve only received less than half of one month’s entitled rate!  Not to mention the back pay we should receive from the moment we got married in December.  Honestly, I’m very annoyed.  Lucky for us, I’m working and have my own income, otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to make any rent or bill payments.  It’s really ridiculous. 

I noticed the discrepancy when I was logged onto my limited access account to my husband’s MyPay.  It had the wrong zip code for our BAH earnings (the very weird part of all this is the COLA zip code is correct).  I quickly made my husband aware of the inaccuracy, so he can make an appointment with finance to fix the problem.  After several painstaking days later, he was able to go to finance at the bigger installation to get the issue resolved (or so we thought).  My husband assured me that we should be getting all appropriate payments by the first of this coming month (he personally witnessed them enter it into the system).

Well, we were wrong.  Yesterday, he had a training class to attend at the main installation and saw that finance had a desk set-up, so he took it as an opportunity to check in on the process of our BAH.  That’s when he told me the news that he wasn’t marked down for any BAH at all!  Somehow, we were removed from receiving BAH.  My husband called me during his lunch break, which is before bed time for me.  I was irritated and so was he.  This is a huge problem – and I can’t believe that this caliber of a mistake is being made.  I just feel for the families out there that don’t have any other source of income or have children to worry about. If this problem was theirs, it would be so much worse. 

I really hope this issue gets resolved for us soon because I can use some piece of mind.  For all the milspouses out there that are interested in getting limited access to your husband’s MyPay accounts – I really recommend that you do! – I wrote a piece on it on MilPages.  Check it out here.  It also talks about tax filing options, so hopefully it would be useful in other ways!

Anyway, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!  Has anyone else dealt with major finance problems?!  

(Image credit: it was the first one to pop up when I googled "frustration" here)

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