Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Biking Adventures -- The Mount Vernon Trail

Last week, my husband and I bought a pair of bikes. I haven't owned a bicycle since I was in high school! We used to go bike riding upstate, but I was using a borrowed bike -- and we only went a couple of times. Primarily, we would walk the hikes.

After learning about all the exciting trails here in Virginia, we thought it would be a disservice if we didn't get bicycles. There are miles and miles of beautiful scenery and trails! I shared one of the first trails we discovered already!

Because it was rainy here last Friday, we were on the hunt for paved trails. When we bought our bikes, we brought home a bike map from the store. They label all the biking trails and whether they are paved or not. It was great as we were figuring out where to go.

We found out the Mount Vernon Trail is all paved! It's an amazing trail that lines up and down the Potomac River.

My husband was always ahead...taking pictures. He out biked me on the hills...there were a lot!
The most difficult part of the ride (note the sign that says "STEEP Caution HILL").

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