Monday, February 24, 2014

An Important Tip from My Parents

I was very excited to learn that the parenting advice I shared with Military Spouse Magazine's Janine Boldrin made it in the February issue!

It's not a secret that I truly admire my parent's relationship. How could you not be impressed after 31 years of marriage? Even with all the ups and downs, my parents have given me a great example of a successful marriage. Now that I'm married - and ironically enough, married to a military member - my parents also became the quintessential example of a successful military marriage for me. They did start their marriage while my dad was in the Air Force.

After learning of our inclusion in the magazine, I immediately started searching Fort Belvoir for print issues! I actually subscribe to Military Spouse Magazine, but because of the move, I never got the issue! Anyway, I was able to find the magazine at the commissary! It's good to know that they stock issues....

I grabbed a couple issues - that way I can send my parents a copy and keep one for myself. My parents were ecstatic to see themselves in the issue!

How many spouses out there were brats too? :)

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  1. Love it! You are lucky to have that example!

  2. I think Air Force brats turned Army wives are the coolest people that exist, haha. Congrats on being featured in the magazine!

  3. Awesome Rach!!! - Steph


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